About Angelscent

We are Light energy & we possess something inside of ourselves that causes light & our ability to be lit just like a wick.


Angelscent Candles are meant to be a direct rep resentation of us. All of our candles come inside of a solid woodbox, which for Angelscent represe -nts the body with the light inside, so if you haven't realized this, we want to help you find that light and help you get Lit!

Angelscent Candles has accepted the "calling" tobecoming a constant reminder to humans, thatwhile your busy "being" human that you are alsolight! Our candles provide a natural source ofenergy along with essentials of loveand so do YOU!.

Essential oils infused into the candles are ametaphor for giving essentials needed for livinglife.. Each of our candles will radiate light as doyou!. So it is Angelscent Candles intentions toremind you of the light that constantly shineswithin you.

The Power
of Purity Source

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  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Massa.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Massa.
About the founder

Katherine Williams

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